I think the journal part has come pretty easily. I mean that part is easy for most people, probably. You just sit down and start typing. I have tried to make it part of the other things too, but it has been mostly journal to this point.
I got a question posted to me on Twitter's DM--It was basically asking me "Why the title?" and what's my idea of a perfect man---
That is the first time I have ever been asked that. That's for sure.
It is a good question though---what makes a MAN a MAN? Where do many many guys screw this up? What should we do, as men, to walk the path in a manly way?
I have been a fighter--I have been a bully. I know how painful it is internally to live like that. Being a fighter as a sport, that is cool...that is fun. I have skills that I can pass on to others---but being a bully and a fighter in life? That's not manly. That's not the right way to walk the path...I will still fight in the gym...But in my life, I am trying everyday to take those skills and apply them in a positive way.
I am going to break it down for you--I am don't want this to digress into a preachy scenario--I want to tell you how I strive to live this life--and how I will continue to strive to walk this path---
Here are the main things that make a man, as I have learned them--some because I screwed them up in the first place and learned from my mistakes, some because it seems like common sense to me and other because it was what I see how I WANT to act.
In no particular order--here are the traits that I want to have nailed down tight and the traits that I want to teach my son--
- Fidelity
- Compassion
- Generosity
- Strength of Conviction
- Protector
- Courage to be vulnerable
Breaking it down further--without getting too windy about it--Here are my thoughts:
A real man doesn't cheat on his partner--ever. There is no "But I was drinking..." or "I don't get enough sex at home..." or any other excuse. It is the ultimate sign of disrespect. It is NOT manly to bang the hot girl at the office if you are married--Your WIFE should be the only hot girl in your life. And don't get all flirty thinking that it's "harmless" - It isn't. That is intimate energy that you are expending on someone other than your partner. If you don't respect her anymore, have the courage to let her move on to someone who will...That's the manly thing to do.
A real man has compassion for people less fortunate than him. We can't be connected to the world if we spend time looking down our nose at others. Homeless people are not going through their own personal hell for the entertainment of others. People who are mentally ill aren't clowns---they are in a living hell---Not here for our amusement---I admit that I was guilty of this in the past--Not really by making fun of them, but by feeling superior. It had to stop. I couldn't become enlightened by continuing to feel superior to ANYONE else. Same goes for animals. Hunting for food is ok with the universe. Hunting for sport? Not even close. Using another viable sentient being as a target in a death sport, is not a sport. Its cruel. Walking around the woods dressed like you are in SWAT shooting innocent creatures who can't fight back isn't manly--You want to have a sport with an animal? Strip down naked and wrestle him like a man. Don't shoot him like a coward.
A real man is generous spiritually and physically. Help people out, give of yourself. Volunteer, give money to people that can use it--If you have $50 in your pocket and you have a family, think of them first--buy your wife some flowers, get your kid a hot wheels car--You don't need an extra beer with the fellas that badly. Generosity is the ONE thing that will always be remembered--when you are and when you aren't.
A real man sticks with his convictions and does what he says he is going to do without excuses. 'Nuff said.
A real man is a protector, not a bully or a fighter. He protects the ones he loves with his mind, his courage, his hard work, his strength and his power. He doesn't use those things to his advantage to get them to bend to his will...He uses those things to create a safe umbrella under which they can live and thrive. He will sacrifice himself for them. He is a leader, not a boss. He is a protector--in a true manly sense.
And finally a real man has the courage to tell the world that he is vulnerable, sensitive and spiritual. He is not afraid to cry. He is not afraid to show his loved ones that he is human.
Those are my thoughts and my goals everyday when I wake up....I want the people that know me to say "Kit..now that guy gets it..."- I am not perfect, I make mistakes everyday--but my goals everyday are to get better---to be a good man. I just want the chance....and everyday that I wake up is that chance.
It is how I choose to live my life...How I choose to define my manliness...
Peace to you---Be nice to each other--
A real man has compassion for people less fortunate than him. We can't be connected to the world if we spend time looking down our nose at others. Homeless people are not going through their own personal hell for the entertainment of others. People who are mentally ill aren't clowns---they are in a living hell---Not here for our amusement---I admit that I was guilty of this in the past--Not really by making fun of them, but by feeling superior. It had to stop. I couldn't become enlightened by continuing to feel superior to ANYONE else. Same goes for animals. Hunting for food is ok with the universe. Hunting for sport? Not even close. Using another viable sentient being as a target in a death sport, is not a sport. Its cruel. Walking around the woods dressed like you are in SWAT shooting innocent creatures who can't fight back isn't manly--You want to have a sport with an animal? Strip down naked and wrestle him like a man. Don't shoot him like a coward.
A real man is generous spiritually and physically. Help people out, give of yourself. Volunteer, give money to people that can use it--If you have $50 in your pocket and you have a family, think of them first--buy your wife some flowers, get your kid a hot wheels car--You don't need an extra beer with the fellas that badly. Generosity is the ONE thing that will always be remembered--when you are and when you aren't.
A real man sticks with his convictions and does what he says he is going to do without excuses. 'Nuff said.
A real man is a protector, not a bully or a fighter. He protects the ones he loves with his mind, his courage, his hard work, his strength and his power. He doesn't use those things to his advantage to get them to bend to his will...He uses those things to create a safe umbrella under which they can live and thrive. He will sacrifice himself for them. He is a leader, not a boss. He is a protector--in a true manly sense.
And finally a real man has the courage to tell the world that he is vulnerable, sensitive and spiritual. He is not afraid to cry. He is not afraid to show his loved ones that he is human.
Those are my thoughts and my goals everyday when I wake up....I want the people that know me to say "Kit..now that guy gets it..."- I am not perfect, I make mistakes everyday--but my goals everyday are to get better---to be a good man. I just want the chance....and everyday that I wake up is that chance.
It is how I choose to live my life...How I choose to define my manliness...
Peace to you---Be nice to each other--
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