This has been an interesting few days for me...But then again, what else is new. I had some great dreams, which I will get into later--some awesome talks with MHL and others--and then, today--I had my first "negative" conversation with someone who just doesn't get it...
Admittedly, this friend and I don't communicate that often. So there could be some huge misreads about what I am doing--but:
I had a IM conversation with this friend and it turned out that they were trying desperately to dissuade me from the path that I am on. Among the multiple things that they said to me, most of them were fear-filled statements that showed that they didn't really know me very well at all.... They said that I "didn't know what I am doing," and that "You aren't some kind of Buddha..."
Ok. Really? I'm not BUDDHA?!??!?! - This where I realized that this convo wasn't going to go well.
Let's move on from the ridiculous to the real.
Then they said, "What you need to do is call up your old friends and ask them to help you get a job so you can get back to radio and do what you love..."
Wait. Did you just tell me what I love? Really?
I asked, "Have you read my blog? Do you know what I am up to?"
They said, "I read one post, but your blog makes no I don't read it."
Why would someone try to talk me out of a path that I clearly feel that I need to be on? Why would someone who only know things from THEIR perspective, offer advice to me that would take me on a totally different path?
I am on my path because it is MY path. I am sorry if you don't agree with it. I am sorry if it scares you. I am sorry if it makes you jealous. I am sorry if it makes you afraid for me--but what I need now, most of all--is support. I need you to know that I am clear. I need you to know that MY truth is different from what you think it should be.
This is the hardest thing for some people to grasp--especially when I ask for advice. What I am asking for is support. I am not only asking for your opinion, but to understand that I am simply seeking alternate views, not looking for someone to talk me off the ledge or talk me out of taking the leap. I am looking for another perspective.
And if I am NOT asking for advice, then likely I am not going to respond in the way that you want me to. Unsolicited advice is very rarely welcome. If it is offered with love, then I accept it and move on--but I am a warrior for my truth--and if that rubs you the wrong way, I am truly sorry. I am--but maybe it is time for you to examine the motivations that you have for feeling that way. We all have fears and concerns and jealousies - and projecting them onto my situation is totally understandable. Just don't get mad when I say "Thank you," and move along down the road.
Let's move on...
Two times this week, I dreamed about my zen mentor Zhou Lin. In the first dream, he was walking down the highway--from the west to the east. He was pointing to the south---but then I woke up.
Two nights later (actually in the morning after I went back to sleep on my day off) the dream picked up EXACTLY where it left off two days before. Though now, it didn't feel like a dream It felt real.
As he pointed to the south, I could tell that he was point at a city -- and I knew (as we know in dreams) that the city also had a University located there.
And he said to me, "Remember to be compassionate and share the wisdom." Then later in the dream he said "Share the wisdom and be on your way..."
Then I woke up...When I realized that had been a dream, my first thought was, "WHAT?? WHAT THE HELL MAN? WHERE ARE YOU TELLING ME TO GO?"
Why couldn't there be a big green sign that says "Welcome to (insert city here)" -
Don't get me wrong. The dream felt real. It felt awesome to see his face and get a message from him - but why so ambiguous? I am meant to examine this and get going, I get that...but dammit--TELL ME WHERE TO GO!
I know, I know...I am being greedy. Most people would love to have a spiritual experience like that--a true message. I am just hoping that in the next dream, Zhou is a truck driver, I am a hitchhiker and he just drops me at the city limits of a town that has a big "WELCOME" sign -
Of course, I know that I would probably get in his truck and he would look at me and say, "So, where can I drop you?"
Peace to you--Be nice to each other!
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