It changed, because it changed.
It was meant to because we always do. NOTHING stays the same. From one moment to the next, change is available to us. We usually fail to notice that it is happening because we are always looking toward tomorrow. Always saying, "This year, I will finally get in shape." or "I am going to leave my job this year" or "Once things are lined up the way I want them, I will make the next step."
Whether we want to admit it or not (and most of us live in denial 90% of our lives) this is the VERY DEFINITION of fear-based thinking. The reason we "wait" until the "right time" is because we have been conditioned to believe that planning for something will make it happen in the correct order and we are afraid to DO something now because we don't "have enough money" or "it just isn't the right time." So instead of doing something, we plan on doing something.
Do you think that, in Jan of 2012, I PLANNED on spending 3 months of the year in a hotel room, with no car, walking to work to a job that I can't stand and enduring pain and muscle failures, eating out of box and microwave, watching my family ignore me and losing most of my friends? Is that what you think? You think I PLANNED this? What am I; an idiot?
Either you think that I planned this--which makes me a moron. Or you think I didn't execute it properly, which makes me a failure...That's what you think of me? That's what I should think of myself? An idiotic failure?
This is where I am supposed to be and my plans didn't matter. Perhaps I spent too much time waiting for the right moment to do something and that moment never came. Perhaps when I had a thought, instead of DOING it, I PLANNED on doing it.
If you have a New Years resolution--don't RESOLVE to do it---Just do it.

It is a cycle that won't fail you.
So --no predictions for 2013, No wishes for 2013, No plans for 2013. Instead of HAPPY NEW YEAR--
I will say to you:
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