As anyone who has read from the beginning knows (and if you haven't, please read the post "Why" - its the first) at one time I had a mentor named Zhou Lin. This was more than 12 years ago--he taught me consistently for about two years before he passed away.
Zhou had been born Chinese. He had studied Taoist philosophies early on--had become a Tibetan Buddhist in the 1970's - and eventually moved to America...He was a firm believer in zen aspects of life but taught SELF philosophy more than anything else.
Anyway--after he died--I was upset--but I had a life to lead. I did ok for awhile. I had a son, a wife and a career--but over time, life got to me. My relationship fell apart, we split up--my career went into the toilet (which I used to blame on the economy, but really it was mostly me...) and I drifted off of the path---nah--wait--I didn't drift off the path--I rolled off the cliff!
Eventually, as you probably know, I made my way back--I began to remember what he taught me and I began to understand again.
Then last week, I had a very vivid dream about him. I won't get into that again--but it was very vivid.
On a whim, a couple of days later, I was looking through my old email address to see if there were any of his old notes to me in there--there weren't. It was more than 10 years ago and they were gone. But to my surprise, his email addy was still in my contacts---
I sent this email -
Zhou -
I know you are gone, but you are not. I dreamed of you, but you already know that. Thank you for all you did for me -
Always in Peace--
I was quite surprised when I got a reply!!! WHAT?
That's right---the next day, I got a reply from a very nice monk who explained that before he died, Master Zhou left instructions to leave his email active in case any of his students emailed. The monk explained that in 10 years, they have received 3 emails. 2 of them came in the first two months from people who didn't know he had passed. Mine was the 3rd.
Here is the cool thing. This monk friend of his, has been checking Zhou's email every single day for more than 10 years---And he revealed to me in a lengthy back and forth that my Master had left behind my Dharma name--and he knew and had instructed that they were not to contact me with it--that, when my time was right--I would contact them---
HOW COOL IS THAT??? He KNEW that I would contact him again in this way--I am blessed and feel the magic--
And my Dharma name?
Jigme Dorje - A blessed name--in Tibetan--it means Fearless Thunderbolt
Jigme (djim-mey) Dorje (dor-djay)
I have been buzzing for two days. I feel him--I feel his intent for me. I feel the energy
But I know what he would say to me - "It is just a name. You are it. It isn't you."
He was like that---
My next post will come tomorrow--and I am going to be blogging about "Accountability to yourself"
Peace to you! Be nice to each other...
p.s. Seriously. Be nice. Its not that hard.
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