But today is a new day. It's Christmas--and better LATE in the day. Which means that it is almost over and we can now begin to think about a new year, a new perspective and a new purpose.
As we gravitate and navigate in this new awakening that is going on ( See this blog post ) we need to realize that a switch has indeed been flipped. It may not be something that you have noticed yet. But that is only because you haven't really looked. Its there. It is everywhere.
Last night I sat. I meditated. I went DEEP inside myself. I changed my vibration and I was able to connect with the obvious. Make no mistake, EVERY answer that you need is obvious. It is just hidden from you at the moment. Once you begin to get at the same frequency of the universe, once you tap into that place, you will see that answer. the KEY is to listen and to HOLD ON to the answer after your moment of clarity is over.

I managed to get to that answer quickly. It became obvious. That the source of my "bad luck" was a huge negative energy wave caused by my fear. This presented itself in the form of my "job" - which, as you may know from reading--is just a terrible place. This "job" is not my calling. It is not my passion. It is simply something that I was using as a paycheck. Why? Because I needed a paycheck. I thought that it was a solution to a problem that was going on at the time. What I failed to realize, after that problem wasn't solved ANYWAY, was that I was now giving my power--my positive nature--over to this negative. I had convinced myself that I "needed" this job. I sold myself. I was a whore. I let my true self be used and abused for $12.00 an hour...$10.75 after taxes...NOT worth my soul. Sorry. It just isn't.
Very often, the obstacles in our life have disguised themselves as solutions....THAT is the lesson.
Even the Bible (of which I am not a follower, but have read multiple times) says, in Corinthians (I think--check me if you like): "...even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light"
We stay in bad marriages because it is hard to get divorced. We stay in bad jobs because it is hard to find another. The obstacles are pretending to be solutions so we stay. And we suffer.
We must trust the answer that we find when we have clarity...
This JOB is blocking my energy, it is blocking me physically from doing what I love, it is blocking me mentally from having the courage to move on, it is blocking me - period.
The key now, becomes to hold on to that and NOT let negative thoughts ("What will I do? How will I live" What will happen next...") cloud my judgement. These are FEAR based thoughts and not proactive thoughts.
And I can't get too far ahead. I have to concentrate on TODAY's step...STEP ONE is all that matters. When that is done, we don't go one to STEP TWO---because there is no STEP TWO---We have a NEW STEP ONE--STEP ONE---TODAY is all that matters---do what you can TODAY to make the next step possible. Then start over.--
STEP ONE- Exiting the negative "job" - This is my intent.
Logistics (how much I have vs how much I need) are out there. Answers are next.
So there is where I am now. Listening. Answering. Moving. Trusting.
Peace to you. Be nice to each other--and in moments of doubt--close your eyes and listen.
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