When a man walks lost in the woods and happens upon a stream--a wise man doesn't tell the stream which direction to flow. He thanks the stream for its presence---and follows it....If he tries to direct the stream by damming it, the stream is no longer natural and will only lead him to where HE wants it to go and that stream then becomes a stagnant pond with no direction..it won't lead him to where he was meant to be had he just surrendered and followed.

I wrote that this week and I think it is an important lesson. I was trying to make a point to a friend and thought to myself that I should save this and talk about it in a blog.
Too many of us try to make the stream head in the direction that WE want it to flow. We try to throw rocks into the stream and make the water flow in a specific direction. This is not the way to ocean!--
You have to be in the moment. You have to float or walk next to the stream. Follow it. Get into the stream, lie on your back, close your eyes and be in the moment.
Do you think it is a coincidence that the word CURRENT means both NOW (present) and FLOW (going in a specific direction)? There are no coincidences.
When I catch myself wanting something specific, looking toward the future or lamenting the past; I know that I am weak. I know that I am on the wrong path. I know that I am lying to myself. I am looking for a truth that doesn't exist. There is only ONE truth. And that truth is this: We do not have the ability to change the past, or predict the future. So why bother? What is the point of that? It is a waste of time--it only brings feelings of pain when we focus on things that we regret or covet things that we want. It only brings anxiety because we "don't have" or "wish we had" - And pain, regret, anxiety are all negative emotions.
We can search all we want. We can "try" different religions and philosophies all we want--but while we are doing that--we do not know what we are doing. We don't have the answers. We can't teach. We can't show others--because WE are still searching for the truth...We do not KNOW the truth while we are still LOOKING for the truth.
And THAT is beauty of the truth....It doesn't change. It doesn't move. It simply is....The truth is the ocean. It is always there. No matter how many rivers we dam, no matter how many rocks we throw, we will NEVER change where the ocean is...we only divert ourselves from finding it.
And the only way to the ocean, is to get into the current (the NOW, the FLOW) and let it take us where it will.
I have a new job opportunity. For those of you who have been reading this, you know how much I was being negatively affected by my job, but you also know that I allowed the current to flow. I was grateful (usually) for the paycheck. I didn't like the job, but I found something to be grateful for....and I allowed the flow to carry me.
Now I have a great new opportunity. Some will say that I manifested this job....so HOW is that different from wanting something to change--coveting a new job? Because I didn't ask for it. I only showed my gratitude and trusted that I was in the right place at the right time. I trusted that I was in my old position for a reason. I learned lessons while I was there. I learned more about myself...and when that lesson was learned, I let go and relaxed in the stream.
I never asked specifically for this new job. I never said "I want to go to Montana and get back into the radio business..." I simply said "Its time for me to move on...take me where you will...."
I didn't manifest a new ocean. I just manifested a boat.
Peace to you. BE NICE to each other---Give what you don't have. Take what is offered from those who give with their heart---and BE NICE!
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