Kit's Quote of the Day----"Don't just Say 'I love you' - Be willing to prove it...EVERYDAY!"

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What I like. Thanks for asking.

For the first time since I started this blog, someone has emailed me and asked me what I LIKE in life. Instead of asking about the path, they asked about me.

Well, I try to take ego out of things, but it was nice to get the question. So here we go....

"I love your blog, but I have a question. Does being on this 'path' or religion mean that you have to give up everything fun? I mean, what do you like? What do you do for fun? You don't just sit around in silence all day, right? You seem like a good guy...Tell me about you."

First, let me clear up some mis-conceptions. My path is not a religion. It is not a systematic path of following a doctrine that someone wrote down a few hundred years ago. It is not an interpretation of someone else's ideals or views. It is simply and unveiling. It is a process of removing the cover to reveal the truth that has ALWAYS existed without opinion.

On this path, let me make one thing clear: No one can teach you anything. You already know the answers. All a "teacher" can do is REVEAL the truth. The truth is there. Just reach out for it. Close your eyes, shut up for 10 minutes and it will come to you. I promise.

So what do I "like" and what do I do for fun?

How about a list.

  • Oklahoma University Football
  • Getting tattoos
  • Girls with tattoos 
  • Girls who can rock a t-shirt and jeans
  • Casual street fashion
  • Sports on TV
  • Good Beer (but never over-do it...not anymore!)
  • Music
  • Playing my guitar
  • Playing video games with my son
  • Earthy smells
  • Long drives
  • Going to the ocean
  • Dreaming
I am a normal guy. I curse a little too much. I make mistakes. I don't always reach my full potential. I have flaws. BUT...I love myself. I love my path. And I love life.

Thanks for asking---That was fun. As much as I work on putting away my ego, it's nice that someone gave a damn. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

When things end...things begin

A few months ago, I (we) made a decision to pursue a long simmering relationship. Today that relationship ended. And the funny thing is that I am not as sad as I thought I might be. I won't get into the details of the how and why--I will just say that it HAD to happen. It HAD to be pursued and it HAD to end.

Don't get me wrong. I am sad at the WAY it ended. Assumptions and undeserved distrust are not things that anyone wants in their life. I am sad for the loss of some energetic fulfillment. I am sad for the loss of a specific kind of love that was given. But I am not sad that it ended.

Living this life, I have discovered that I am able to overcome loss and handle transitions better than I used to. Why? Because I have learned to remove my ego from it and just accept things on their own merit. Endings and beginnings are all a part of life. The circle continues.

I will always love her and care about her, but a romantic relationship was just not meant for us. There were TOO MANY issues to overcome. And that's ok. We were not on the same path---It doesn't make her a bad person--It doesn't make me a failure. It just means that it was not mean to be. It is the natural path of things.

How can I be sad about that?

All endings are the beginning to something else.

Peace to you---Be nice to each other.